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Our management offer
Complete, Delubac Asset Management's management offer revolves around a wide range of investment solutions:
via a range of six UCIs
tailored management
An offer of management mandates for securities accounts or arbitrage within life insurance policies. Creation of customised or white label dedicated funds.

The range is currently being revised in order to take on an ESG dimension (PRI/EthiFinance end of 2021)
ESG criteria are key to assessing a company’s sustainable strategy based on its environmental, social and governance impacts.
In addition to traditional financial analysis, the investment policy for our two directly managed funds includes having the non-financial performance of the funds rated by an expert external service provider. The service provider rates all investments in these portfolios according to three criteria (Environment, Social and Governance) and issues an “overall ESG quality rating” for the investments made, which is published in the monthly fund reports available on our website and the ESG non-financial rating reports, available on request.
Ratings at 31/12/2020. Coverage rate (% of assets under management): Delubac Pricing Power: 81.7%; Delubac Obligations: 75.09%
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