Management team
Thomas Raffy
Directeur de la gestion sous mandat
Patricia Pattein
Gérante de portefeuille

Delubac PEA

Investment strategy

Delubac PEA has a multi-manager equity allocation strategy. The portfolio is invested only in units or shares of French UCIs, which may or may not be coordinated, and/or coordinated foreign UCIs (including trackers), selected on a fully discretionary basis by the manager in compliance with the PEA eligibility rules. The portfolio’s degree of exposure to equity markets of all market capitalisations in European Union countries is between 60% and 100% and its exposure to risks in markets other than the European Union will be incidental. The balance of the assets is invested in money market UCIs eligible for PEA equity savings plans in order to reduce the portfolio's exposure to equity markets through diversification, where appropriate.

Net asset value at 2025-01-24
124.60 €
YTD performance
4.9 %
Fund AUM at 2025-01-24
2.5 M€
Risk level*
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
Performance evolution
Slippery performances
1 month
3 months
6 months
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years
Delubac PEA P
5.7 %
1.6 %
1.4 %
4.9 %
8.0 %
0.5 %
11.5 %
38.9 %
24.6 %
Eurostoxx50 (dividendes réinvestis)
7.5 %
5.0 %
8.7 %
6.7 %
20.3 %
32.4 %
53.7 %
99.7 %
86.6 %

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

Risk level
Volatility 3 yearsVolatility 5 years
Delubac PEA P15.2 %16.5 %
Eurostoxx50 (dividendes réinvestis)14.5 %17.5 %

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

Performance scenarios
ISIN code: FR0010461723
Bloomberg code: DAMEXEI FP
AMF classification: Classification
Legal status: Mutual fund governed by French law
Eligibility: PEA
Inception date: 2007-06-01
Inception date: 2007-06-01
Benchmark: Eurostoxx50 (dividendes réinvestis)
Allocation of results: Accumulation
Reference currency: EUR
Recommended investment period:
Entrance fees: 3%
Redemption fees: 0%
First subscription:
Movement fees: 60€ TTC maximum
Fixed management fees: 2% max. TTC
Performance fee:
NAV frequency: Weekly
Custodian: CACEIS BANK
Administrator: CACEIS Fund Administration
How to subscribe?
As a guarantee of our rigorous approach, our products are referenced on the main French and European distribution platforms.